Use print marketing to maximize your digital marketing strategy

Print Marketing: 7 Unexpected Types Of Print Design Strategies to Positively Impact Your Digital Marketing Campaigns

In today’s marketing mix, combining print marketing and digital marketing strategies is crucial for a robust customer engagement approach. 

While digital channels provide broad reach and real-time engagement, print marketing adds a tangible element that deepens the connection with your audience. We’re here to explore seven print design types that effectively complement digital tactics, enhancing your overall marketing impact by fitting seamlessly into your hybrid marketing strategy.

Different types of print marketing designs you should use in direct mail campaigns

Branded Stationery

Branded stationery extends your corporate identity into the physical world, making every piece of correspondence a part of your brand experience. When you match the visual elements of your online brand identity — like colors, logos, and typography — with your offline print marketing materials, you create a seamless brand experience that resonates with customers, whether online or holding your letter in their hands.

Custom Flyers and Brochures

Flyers and brochures allow you to present detailed information about your brand, products, or services in a tangible format. This is especially useful for trade shows, events, or sales pitches where customers can take home something physical that reminds them of your brand. When a customer receives a custom flyer or brochure that closely aligns with your digital presence, it solidifies their trust in your brand and encourages them to take action. 

While email marketing is a popular digital tactic, direct mail campaigns can still make an impact when done correctly. Combining eye-catching design with personalized messaging can create a targeted and memorable experience for your audience. Plus, direct mail has a higher open and response rate than email, making it a valuable addition to your digital marketing efforts. 

Business Cards with Digital Touchpoints

Business cards may seem like a thing of the past (especially since digital business cards came into play), but they can still be an effective tool for networking and driving traffic to your digital channels when handed out in the proper contexts. Consider adding QR codes or social media icons on your business card, making it easy for recipients to connect with you online and continue engaging with your brand after a face-to-face meeting. 

Point-of-Purchase Displays

Now that your customers are about to make a purchase, don’t forget to add print materials at the point of sale. This could include signage, brochures, or packaging that showcases your brand and products in an enticing way. By pairing these materials with digital touchpoints like social media handles or review request sites, you can continue the conversation with customers even after they’ve left the store. These displays are critical to obtaining feedback and collecting more user data. 

Event Banners and Signage

You’ve connected with potential or existing customers online, and now you have the opportunity to meet them in person at an event. Make sure your brand is well-represented with eye-catching large-format printing, such as banners and signage, that align with your online presence. This will help create a cohesive experience for attendees and make it easier for them to remember and recognize your brand in the future. 

Product Packaging with Interactive Elements (not QR)

Interactive packaging can be a fun and engaging way to make your brand stand out on the shelves. By incorporating augmented reality, scannable codes, promotional materials, or other interactive features into your packaging design, you can create a memorable experience for customers and encourage them to share their interactions with others online. This helps promote your brand and adds an element of surprise and delight for customers. 

The Takeaway

Print marketing is still relevant despite the clear market shift toward digital-first strategies. By pairing print with your digital content, you can create a multi-dimensional brand experience that resonates with your audience and sets you apart from competitors. So don’t neglect the power of print — incorporate it into your marketing mix for maximum impact.

Want to learn more about our hybrid approach to digital and print marketing? Contact us today.