4 Reasons to Use Print Marketing in Your Next Campaign

According to a marketing study sponsored by Canada Post and performed by Canadian neuromarketing firm TrueImpact, Direct mail is both easier to understand and more memorable than digital media. When asked to cite the brand (company name) of an advertisement they had just seen, recall was 70% higher among participants who were exposed to a direct mail piece (75%) than a digital ad (44%). That kind of brand awareness is priceless! In case you need some more convincing, here’s 4 reasons to include print marketing in your next campaign.

1. Personalization:

• Digital marketing is a great way to target your audience and really drill down into who your target market is, but it’s difficult to make it really personal. With all of the ads following people around the internet – from reminding you of what you left in your cart to sponsored Facebook posts – it’s a monumental task to make a tiny section of your target client’s computer screen seem like you’re speaking directly to them. With Variable Data Printing, you can do the same drill down as you would digitally, but you can speak to your target client on a personal level, which is much more effective than a generic digital ad.

2. Reach:

• The best way to target a specific area is through print marketing – with the use of Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) you can target specific neighborhoods, household income, interests and hobbies, and many other variables that allow your message to be heard by the exact right person in the exact right location.

3. Longevity:

• Remember the last great digital ad you’ve seen? Do you have it saved on your desktop? You’d be hard-pressed to find someone who saves their favorite digital ads, but the average person will have a flyer from a local business in their kitchen drawer or on the fridge. You can’t underestimate the power of having your business’ name and contact info readily available and at the top of your client’s mind.

4. Emotional Impact:

• According to a study by Bangor University and branding Agency Millward Brown, paper advertisements can have a bigger emotional impact than digital ads. Physical material is more “real” to the brain.  It has a meaning, and a place. It is better connected to memory because it engages with its spatial memory networks. Physical material involves more emotional processing, which is important for memory and brand associations. Physical materials produced more brain responses connected with internal feelings, suggesting greater “internalization” of the ads.

Still not convinced? Contact us to see what the professionals at Impression Point can do to help you reach your clients!

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